February 26

   The Administrative Council promulgated the Regulations on Labor Insurance of the People's Republic of China.

March 5

   The CPC Central Committee issued the Instructions on Actively Promoting the Religious Reform Movement, stressing the implementation of the religious policy of the Party, the unity of the most in religious circles, and the development and consolidation of the united front of religious circles throughout the country. 

March 28–April 9

   The CPC Central Committee held its first national meeting on organization work. Liu Shaoqi delivered a report and gave a summary of the meeting. The meeting adopted the Resolution on Rectifying the Party’s Grass-Root Organizations. By the spring of 1954, the rectification work had basically been completed.

May 23  

   The plenipotentiaries of the Central People’s Government and the local government of Tibet signed in Beijing the Agreement on Measures for Peaceful Liberation of  Tibet (known as the “17-Article Agreement”), proclaiming the peaceful liberation of Tibet. On October 26, the PLA entered Tibet and was stationed in Lhasa.

September 20–30

   The CPC Central Committee held the 1st National Conference on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation and adopted the Resolution on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation in Agricultural Production (Draft). Soon after the meeting, a campaign of mutual assistance and cooperation in agricultural production was launched. After more than a year of pilot work, the CPC Central Committee passed the draft as a formal resolution on February 15, 1953.

September 29

   At a workshop attend by faculties of institutions of higher learning from Beijing and Tianjin, Zhou Enlai delivered a report titled “On the Reform of Intellectuals.” On November 30, the CPC Central Committee issued the Instructions on Ideological Transformation and Organizational Cleaning in Schools. A campaign of ideological transformation among intellectuals was widely launched across China until the fall of 1952.

December 1

   The CPC Central Committee issued the Decisions on Having Better Troops and Simpler Administration, Increasing Production and Practicing Thrift, and Opposing Corruption, Opposing Waste, and Opposing Bureaucracy. The “Three Opposing” movement swept the country and ended in October 1952. Some typically serious cases were strictly handled in the movement, Liu Qingshan and Zhang Zishan, who successively served as secretaries of the Tianjin Prefectural Party Committee, were investigated and sentenced to death.

From: Chronicle of the People's Republic of China (October 1949 — September 2019) ,edited by The Institute of Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, PP13-15