April 5

   The headquarters of the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force were set up in Beijing. 

April 24

   The State Council approved and distributed the Measures for Tax-for-Profit Trial Implementation in State-owned Enterprises formulated by the Ministry of Finance. Under the measures, state-owned enterprises would no longer be required to hand over their profits to the state but would instead be subject to taxes whose types and rates would be determined by the state.

June 4–22 

   The 1st Session of the 6th CPPCC National Committee was convened. The Session elected Deng Yingchao chairman of the CPPCC National Committee.

June 6–21 

   The 1st Session of the 6th NPC was convened. The Session elected Li Xiannian president of the PRC, Peng Zhen chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and Deng Xiaoping chairman of the PRC Central Military Commission, and appointed Zhao Ziyang as premier of the State Council. 

August 25

   The CPC Central Committee issued the Decision on Combating Criminal Activities.

October 1 

   Deng Xiaoping wrote an inscription for the Jingshan School — “Education should be geared to the needs of modernization, of the world and of the future.”

October 11 

   The 2nd Plenary Session of the 12th CPC Central Committee adopted the Decision on Party Rectification, and decided to carry out an overall rectification of the Party’s conduct and organization by stages and groups over the next three years. This Party rectification work basically concluded in May 1987.  

October 12

   The CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Circular on Separating Government Administration from Commune Management and Establishing Township Governments. This was followed by nationwide work on the establishment of township and town governments and various forms of cooperative economy, and by the abolition of the system of people’s communes.

December 6

   Yinhe-1, China’s first supercomputer successfully developed by the National University of  Defense Technology with a processing speed of 100 megaflops,passed state verification in Changsha, filling the gap of the country in developing a supercomputer.

From:Chronicle of the People's Republic of China(October 1949—September 2019), edited by The Institute of Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, PP.113-115.