January 2

  The Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital successfully completed the world’s first case of replant of amputated limbs for a patient with an amputated right hand.

January 4

Zhou Enlai generalized the principles for the Taiwan question proposed by Mao Zedong as “one key link and four outlines,” which was conveyed to the Taiwan authority through relevant channels. The “one key link” meant “Taiwan should be reunified with China.” The “four outlines” were: (1) All military and political power and personnel designations, except for diplomatic affairs that belong to the central government, were at the Chiang Kai-shek’s discretion, and Chen Cheng and Chiang Ching-kuo could be placed in important positions by Chiang Kai-shek; (2) The shortfalls in military and civil budgets were to be covered by the central government; (3) Social reforms in Taiwan could be postponed until conditions permitted and with the consent of Chiang Kai-shek; (4) Both sides would not send agents to the other side to sabotage unity.

February 11–28

The CPC Central Committee convened a work conference. The meeting decided to launch a socialist education movement in rural areas to clear up accounts, warehouses, property and work-points (known as the “four clean-ups”), and a “five-anti” movement in cities against corruption and theft, speculation and profiteering, extravagance and waste, decentralism and bureaucracy. The movement came to an end in the first half of 1966.

March 5

The People’s Daily carried Mao Zedong’s inscription —“Learn from Comrade Lei Feng.” A campaign of “Follow the Exemplary Deeds of Lei Feng” swept across the country.

April 6

China sent a medical team to Algeria, the first medical team the Chinese government sent to African countries.

May 27

The State Council promulgated the Regulations on Protection of Forests.

June 14

The CPC Central Committee published the Proposal Concerning the General Line of the International Communist Movement. From September 6 to July 14 of the next year, the Central Committee published in succession nine articles collectively known as Controversy over the General Line of the International Communist Movement. The controversy between the Chinese and Soviet communist parties reached its climax. From March 1966, the relationship between the two parties was basically broken up.

November 17

Mao Zedong wrote the inscription—“The Haihe River must be brought under permanent control” for the exhibition on fighting flood and handling emergencies in Hebei Province. By November 1973, the five river systems of  Ziya River, Daqing River, Yongding River, North Canal and South Canal, and the main watercourses like Tuhai River and Majia River had all been effectively harnessed.

December 2

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council approved the report on the plan for the development of science and technology (1963–1972), a general plan for developing science and technology and the blueprint for the undertaking of science and technology worked out by the Central Committee’s Science Group and the Leading Party members group of the State Science and Technology Commission.

December 14–February 29, 1964

While visiting 14 countries in Asia, Africa and Europe, Zhou Enlai put forward the five principles guiding China’s relations with the Arab and African countries and issued the eight principles for foreign economic and technological assistance.

From: Chronicle of the People's Republic of China (October 1949 — September 2019) ,edited by The Institute of Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, PP57-60