April 5

Water began to flow through the main channel of the Red Flag Canal in Linxian County, Henan Province. Self-reliant and hardworking, the Linxian people built the “Artificial Milky Way” entirely by hand labor

June 26

While talking with medical workers, Mao Zedong stated that the focus of medical and healthcare work should be in the rural areas. On September 21, the CPC Central Committee approved and distributed the Report on Shifting the Focus of the Medical and Healthcare Work to the Rural Areas. By the end of the year, an urban and rural medical and healthcare network had been basically formed, and a substantial number of rural areas had adopted the cooperative medical system.

July 20

Li Zongren, former “acting president” of the Kuomintang government, arrived in Beijing with his wife from abroad. On July 27, Mao Zedong met with the couple.

September 17

Chinese scientists first synthesized crystalline bovine insulin in the world.

December 31

  The first 10,000-tonnage oceangoing cargo ship “Dongfeng,” designed and built by China, was put into service.

End of  the Year

The task of adjusting the national economy was accomplished.

From: Chronicle of the People's Republic of China (October 1949 — September 2019) ,edited by The Institute of Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, PP64-65