No.4 2024

Marxism & Reality   2024(4)


Featured Articles

The Innovation and Development of Marxism by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era//The Research Team of the Fourth Research Department of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee1

Approaching General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Thinking on the Party’s Self-Reform from Four Dimensions //Zhu Lingjun(14)

Legal Guarantee for Opening Up a New Realm of Self-Reform for the Century-Old Party:

A Four-Dimensional Perspective on the Newly Revised Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Sanctions // Wang Chuanli(23)

The Context, Connotation, and Construction Path of the Party’s Self-Reform Discourse

in the New Era // Zhao Fuke(30)

Research on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

The Five-Fold Logic of Chinese Modernization and Its Value //Liu Xingang & Zhang Jun(39)

A Three-Dimensional Review of Ideological Development Fueled by Historical Initiative

Li Gang & Li Lingbo(50)

The Green Rural Revival Program: Contemporary Characteristics, Development Concepts, Promotion Mechanisms, and Working Methods // Zhang Bo(60)

Exploring the Practical Principles in Deng Xiaoping's Theory of Socialist Ideology//

Jiang Yingchun(67)

Analysis of Young Deng Xiaoping’s Historical Conditions and Thought Evolution for Accepting Marxism Based on Historical Materials from His Stay in Europe //Liu Sijin(73)

Two Different Views of Practice: Hegel and MarxBai Gang & Na Yu(82)

Contemplation and Implications on the Form of Human Advancement in Marx’s Late

Ethnological Notebooks //Li Baogeng & Li Lin(91)

The Basic Characteristics of Marx and Engels’ Early Ethical Thinking:Examination

and Analysis Based on the History of Ideas // Yang Lei & Li Yitian(100)

The Position and Function of Need in Historical Materialism //Wang Wei(108)

Marx’s Theory of Market Scale-Induced Technological Innovation and Its Innovative

Development //Huang Taiyan & Wang Yanwen(115)

GPT Series Artificial Intelligence Content Generation: A Political Economy Analysis of

Based on Marx’s Machine Production Theory //Zhang Xu & Zhang Yanze(122)

New Quality Productive Forces Promote Common Prosperity: A Political Economic

Analysis // Ma Wenwu & Jiang Yongmu(132)

How Can Political Communication in Colleges and Universities Effectively Deliver the

Party’s New Theory for the New Era  //Xiao Guiqing(141)

Promote Xi Jinping’s Economic Thinking in Finance and Economics  Universities //

Liu Jiangning & Huang Tao(149)

Teaching Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on the Rule of Law in College Political Communication

Courses //Liu Xinhong(153)

Integrating Xi Jinping’s Cultural Thinking into College Political Communication Courses //

Xiao Shengpeng & Liu Jie(157)

Research on Contemporary Capitalism

Right-Wing Populism and Political Polarization in the West: Underlying Political

Philosophical Logic //Zhou Suiming(161)

Commodification and Disruption: Theorizing Digital Capitalism

Timo Seidl//(Translation by Ma Yingjie & Liu Xin)(169)

Research on Marxism Abroad

The Riddle on the Map: Cartography and the Spatial Mapping of Capitalism //Wu Hongtao(179)

Divergence and Accommodation: Revisiting the Marxist Legal Theory of Renner and

Pashukanis  //Zhang Fang & Meng Fei(188)

The Anthropological Machine of the Moderns and the Animalization of Bourgeois:

The Biopolitical Implications in On the Jewish Question //Yu Hao(197)


The Innovation and Development of Marxism by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

The Research Team of the Fourth Research Department of the Institute 

of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, socialism with Chinese characteristics has ushered in a New Era. Led primarily by General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communists have steadfastly integrated the fundamental tenets of Marxism with China’s unique realities and the rich tapestry of traditional Chinese culture. This integration has given rise to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. This thought stands as the contemporary iteration of Chinese Marxism and 21st-century Marxism, embodying the essence of Chinese culture and spirit in our time. It marks a significant advancement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the current era, making substantial and original contributions to Marxist theory. The worldview and methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, its people-centered philosophy, the concept of a human community with a shared future, the idea of harmony between humanity and nature, and the proposal to build a modern Chinese civilization, collectively represent an innovation and development in Marxist philosophy. Xi Jinping’s economic thinking guides the practice of economic development in this New Era, creatively addressing a series of significant theoretical and practical challenges. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era not only upholds the foundational principles of scientific socialism but also infuses them with distinctive Chinese characteristics suited to contemporary conditions. It has become the beacon of 21st-century scientific socialism and the cornerstone for the revitalization of global socialism. We must unwaveringly adhere to the “two integrations” to further the adaptation of Marxism to the Chinese context and the present age, persist in applying dialectical and historical materialism, and accurately address the major issues posed by our era and practice. Through these efforts, we will build a great country and achieve the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in all respects through Chinese modernization.

Approaching General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Thinking on the Party’s 

Self-Reform from Four Dimensions  

Zhu Lingjun

At the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, a significant introduction and deep elucidation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s vital thought on the Party’s self-reform were presented. To fully grasp this profound concept, it is imperative to understand it within the strategic framework of guiding social transformation through the Party’s self-reform, and to recognize the dual essence of the Communist Party of China as both a Marxist governing party and a Marxist revolutionary party. It is essential to comprehend this thought in the context of addressing the fundamental questions of what kind of long-term governing Marxist party to build and how to go about it, while firmly grasping the principles of development and enduring governance of a Marxist party. This thought should also be understood as an effective approach to tackling the unique challenges faced by a large party like ours, with a focus on the essential conditions required to evolve from a large party into a strong one. Furthermore, it is crucial to appreciate this concept within the strategic vision of finding a second answer to avoid the historical cycle of government rise and fall, recognizing the intrinsic unity between the theories of people’s political power and people’s political parties.

The Five-Fold Logic of Chinese Modernization and Its Value

Liu Xingang & Zhang Jun

A profound study of the internal logic and scientific value of Chinese modernization is essential to accurately grasp its original contributions to both theoretical frameworks and practical approaches. By scientifically elucidating the theoretical, historical, and practical logics of Chinese modernization, it becomes imperative to thoroughly expound its political and developmental logics in conjunction with the realities of Chinese modernization. The formation of the five dimensions of Chinese modernization and their interconnected patterns offers a new logical perspective for a deeper understanding of this unique process. Through this new perspective, it becomes evident that Chinese modernization has addressed numerous theoretical challenges within the broader human modernization endeavor, resulting in significant original contributions. Furthermore, academic breakthroughs within the process of Chinese modernization have expanded the scope for practical innovations, fostering a positive interplay between theory and practice. This dynamic interaction has played a crucial role in advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Marx’s Theory of Market Scale-Induced 

Technological Innovation and Its Innovative Development

Huang Taiyan & Wang Yanwen

Marx’s theory of market scale-induced technological innovation encompasses several key ideas: market demand is the fundamental driver of technological innovation, the pursuit of excess profit is the intrinsic motivation behind market demand-induced innovation, the deepening of the division of labor is the inherent mechanism facilitating such innovation, and there exists a virtuous cycle of mutual promotion between market demand and technological innovation. This theory provides a robust theoretical foundation forChinato achieve self-reliance in science and technology by fully leveraging its vast domestic market. The new theory developed by our Party to harness the potential of the super-large Chinese market for technological innovation represents an evolution and development of Marx’s original ideas, adapted to the new conditions, characteristics, and requirements of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. This expanded theory broadens Marx’s concept of market scale to encompass the utilization of China’s super-large market, deepens the meaning of technological innovation to include building strength in science and technology, achieving independent control over core technologies, and perfecting infrastructure. It also enriches the mechanism of market scale-induced innovation to include the effects of economies of scale, structural optimization, division of labor, and the development of the digital economy.

How Can Political Communication in Colleges and Universities

Effectively Deliver the Party’s New Theory for the New Era

Xiao Guiqing

The Party’s new theory for the new era represents the latest integration of Marxism’s basic tenets withChina’s unique realities and the rich tapestry of rich traditional culture. As the guiding thought for building China into a great modern socialist country, it holds profound significance for political communication courses in colleges and universities, serving as a key instrument to foster virtue through education. It is essential to clearly convey to students the development trajectory, scientific system, and the worldview and methodology embedded in the Party’s new theory for the New Era. By engaging in textual study and constructing a comprehensive course matrix, the theory should be delivered profoundly; through problem interpretation, theoretical analysis, and using vivid and accessible language, it should be articulated explicitly. In evolving teaching mindsets, expanding educational channels, and innovating teaching methods, the theory should be conveyed with flexibility and adaptability.

Right-Wing Populism and Political Polarization in the West:

Underlying Political Philosophical Logic

Zhou Suiming

Currently, political polarization in the West is intensifying, with spillover effects that pose a serious threat to global economic and political security. This polarization is largely driven by right-wing populism. Using the United States as a case study, we analyze the root causes of right-wing populism, identifying the long-term structural crisis of Western society and three new factors triggered by globalization: external shocks from changes in the global economic and political order, internal polarization of wealth and poverty exacerbated by recent globalization, and the failure of Western elite democracy. Additionally, the extreme opposition of values and political philosophies underpins the political polarization dominated by right-wing populism in the West. First, the two ends of political polarization reflect an internal opposition within liberalism itself, specifically between two forms of “new” liberalism. Second, political polarization is directly fueled by the multiculturalist turn of left liberalism and the methodological exploitation of identity politics by right liberalism. Ultimately, political philosophy is closely tied to the question of which political ethics should be relied upon to govern a country and build consensus. The dilemma of political polarization in Western countries prompts us to rethink multiculturalism and oppose radical identity politics.