"Zhou Enlai and China-Africa Friendship-Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Premier Zhou Enlai's Visit to Africa" was held in Huai'an

2024-01-30 09:30:09 | Author:He Zuo | Source:Zhou Enlai Memorial Site Management Bureau

On December 1, 2023, the symposium "Zhou Enlai and China-Africa Friendship-Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Premier Zhou Enlai's Visit to Africa" was held in Huai'an.

The symposium was guided by the Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Bureau of the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute, the Zhou Enlai Thought and Life Research Branch of the Chinese Communist Party Literature Research Association, and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, and was co-sponsored by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Huai'an Municipal People's Government and the Zhou Enlai Memorial Site Administration. Yang Mingwei, director of the Bureau of Foreign Cooperation and Exchange of

the Central Academy of Party History and Documentation and president of the Zhou Enlai Thought and Life Research Branch, and Qian Wenhua, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Jiangsu Provincial Foreign Affairs Office and vice president of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, delivered speeches on behalf of the guiding units respectively.

Li Hong. the former Executive Deputy Secretary-General of the Central Advisory Committee and a member of the delegation accompanying Zhou Enlai to visit 14 Asian, African and European countries; Gao Zhenpu, the former deputy director of the Central Guard Bureau and a member of the delegation accompanying

Zhou Enlai to visit 14 Asian, African and European countries; and the former deputy editor of China News Service Minister Zhou Enlai and Zhou Enlai's niece Zhou Bingde participated in the symposium and talked about their experience of Zhou Enlai's foreign visits and his diplomatic style; Yu Yong, Deputy Director of the

African Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yang Di, Director of the North Africa Division of the Third Bureau of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Fourth Bureau of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xie Bei, Director of the General Affairs Department, Qi Sujuan, Director of the Zhou Enlai Memorial Site Administration. Dong Sijia, Director of the First Division of the People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Strategic Research Center for People-to-People Diplomacy, and Ahmed Said, President of Egypt's Hikmet Cultural Industry Group, spoke at the meeting respectively on relevant topics.

In his speech, Yang Mingwei summarized the foundational significance and pioneering contribution of Zhou Enlai's visit to Africa in the diplomatic history of New China from ten aspects: First, for the first time, he proposed the "Five Principles for China's Handling of Relations between Arab Countries and African Countries", which laid the foundation for China's handling of relations between Arab countries and African countries. Provide guidelines for relations with African countries and Arab countries; second, the "Eight Principles of the Chinese Government's Foreign Economic and Technical Assistance" was proposed for the first time, opening a new model of South-South cooperation; third, it opened beyond climax of the establishment of diplomatic relations between New China; fourth, Firstly, it opened a new chapter of profound friendship with African countries; fifthly, it set a record for the longest overseas visit by a leader of the People's Republic of China; sixthly, it opened up China's new understanding of Africa; seventhly, it opened up the sincere learning and cooperation between the Chinese and African peoples, the basic attitude of exchanges and mutual learning: the eighth is to establish a diplomatic style in which New China's leaders are willing to listen to the criticisms of foreign leaders face to face with an open mind, the ninth is to set a precedent for upgrading a stop for refueling to the formal establishment of diplomatic relations; the tenth is to set the precedent for what is happening in African countries Breaking diplomatic protocols when emergencies occur there is still a precedent for visiting.

In his speech, Qian Wenhua summarized the importance of commemorating Zhou Enlai's visit to Africa from three aspects: first, to build on history and continue the tradition of China-Africa friendly exchanges; second, to respond to reality and help build a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era; third, It is about building on the past and forging ahead into the future, striving to open up a new vision for friendly exchanges with Africa. Based on his personal experience of accompanying Premier Zhou on his visit 60 years ago, Li Hong reviewed Premier Zhou's diplomatic strategy that not only considered security issues, but also considered politics and the overall national situation, his humble attitude of doing as the Romans do and respecting others; his people's sentiments of treating others as equals and caring for the masses. Gao Zhenpu specifically disclosed in his speech that during Premier Zhou's visit, he accidentally injured his finger. He still smiled despite the unbearable pain and shook hands with dozens or even hundreds of people every day. These details were deeply touching and fully demonstrated Premier Zhou's uniqueness diplomatic style.

 Zhou Bingde also said that after his uncle Zhou Enlai came back from his visit to Africa, he was especially fond of us speaking of which, he accidentally injured his finger during his trip. He was in great pain when shaking hands with enthusiastic African friends, but he persevered. Taking the exhibition commemorating the 60th anniversary of Zhou Enlai's visit to Africa as a starting point, Qi Sujuan reviewed Zhou Enlai's outstanding contributions to the diplomatic cause of New China, especially the cause of China-Africa friendship.

 At the symposium, Lin Xiaoming, member of the Standing Committee of the Huai'an Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, said that today, we gather here to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Premier Zhou's visit to Africa. This is not only a concrete practice of inheriting and carrying forward Premier Zhou's lofty qualities, but also learning and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. A vivid embodiment of socialist thought. Zhu Yu, director of the Huai’an Foreign Affairs Office, chaired the symposium. Sang Yuepeng and Liang Chen, deputy secretaries-general of the Zhou Enlai thought and life research branch; Chen Fenglou, vice-president and secretary-general of the Jiangsu Province Zhou Enlai Research Association; Tao Bingcai, deputy secretary-general of the Jiangsu Province Zhou Enlai Research Association; executive vice-president of the Party School of Huai'an Municipal Party Committee and Enlai Cadre Academy Executive Vice President; Huang Shaoji, Vice President of Enlai Cadre College Zheng Chao, Chairman of Beijing Daluan Xiangyu Charitable Foundation Shen Qing and others attended the symposium.