Seeking Sustained Development and Fulfilling the Asia Pacific Dream

2023-07-08 10:42:57 | Author:theorychina | Source:theorychina

Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the APEC CEO Summit in Beijing on November 9, 2014.

“Seeking Sustained Development and Fulfilling the Asia Pacific Dream” is a speech delivered at the opening ceremony of the APEC CEO Summit in Beijing on November 9, 2014. The speech states, “We are duty-bound to create and fulfill an Asia Pacific dream for our people. This dream is about acting in the spirit of the Asia Pacific community and with awareness of ourselves as a human community with a shared future, following the trend of our times, i.e. peace, development, and mutually beneficial cooperation, and jointly working for the prosperity and progress of our region. It is about staying ahead of global development and making greater contributions to the wellbeing of humankind. It is about having more economic vibrancy, free trade and investment facilitation, better roads, and closer people-to-people exchanges. And it is about ensuring greater security and prosperity for our people and giving our children a better environment in which to grow, work, and live.”