No. 6, 2019

The Conception of Alienation in The German Ideology: Origin of the Theoretical

Construction of Marx's Social Sciences  Wang Nanshi (22)

Why Is It Possible to Interpret Capital from the Perspective of Political Philosophy?

Gao Guangxu(32)

The Significance of Criticizing Stirner in German Ideology: Marx's Conception

of Workers' Association  Iwasa Shigeo(61)

An Analysis and Summary of the Spread of Marxism in the First 70 Years of the People's Republic of China    Zhang Fu & Yang Qian(69)

Toward the Forefront of Critical Epistemology    Zhang Yibing & Bernard Stiegler(91)

Luxemburg and Arendt's Explanation of the Political Role of Historical Materialism

Zhang Wenxi(98)

Development Trends of Marxism Abroad in the 21st Century and the Evaluation of Its Contemporary Effects  Zhang Liang & Sun Leqiang(107)

Lukács between Philosophy and Politics  Tom Rockmore(138)

Neoliberal Capitalism: The Authoritarian Turn    Marco Boffo, Alfredo Saad-Filho & Ben Fine(144)

Artificial Intelligence and the Economic and Social Problems under Contemporary Capitalism: From the Perspective of David Harvey's Theory    Jiang Nanping & Yu Shengqi(161)

Five Logics for Telling Red Stories Well     Wang Yan & Zhao Aixia(179)