No.1 2021


Feature Articles / The New Initiative to Build a Modern Socialist Country in All Respects

The New Stage of Development in the New Era Should Fully Grasp the Rich Connotation of the New Development Philosophy

Sun Yeli

An Analysis of China’s New Development Model from the Perspective of Political Economy

Hong Yinxing

New Requirements for the Change of Human Practice and the Development of Marxism in the Post-Epidemic Era

Ouyang Kang & Wang Yulin

On the Scientific Nature of the Systems Concept: Based on Marx’s Principle of Social Organism

Wang Lisheng & Liu Gang

Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

A Lofty Political Mission: Construct a Discourse with Chinese Characteristics

Li Junru

The Logic of Discourse Power in the International Arena

Chen Shuguang

The Theoretical Structure and Inspiration of Xi Jinping’s Opposition to Historical Nihilism

Qiao Maolin & Liu Yang

Compilation and Translation of Classical Marxist Writings

Foreword to Volume 29 of the Chinese Edition of the Collected Works of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

Fundamental Marxist Theories

“My Spirit Looks on Truth”: Interpreting Engels’ Life Choices

Wei Jianhua

Engels’ Preface-Specific Style in His Twilight Years and Its Wisdom

Gu Hailiang

An Analysis of Lenin’s Thought on Strengthening the Party Theoretically and Its Contemporary Relevance: Based on What Is to Be Done?

Huang Rongsheng & Li Jiafu

Labor Freedom under Marx’s Teleology of World History

Wu Hongzheng

A Solution to the Mystery of the Motivation of “Anthropological Notes”: Based on Methodology

Lin Feng

Marx’s Thought on the Capital-Labor Relationship and Its Contemporary Relevance: A Textual Research Based on Das Kapital

Wang Yuanyuan

Marxism Abroad

The Relation between the Two Pictures of Justice: A Critical Examination of Rainer Forst’s Theory of Justice

Zhou Qingyun & Wang Fengcai

Markus On Marx’s Paradigm of Production

Yan Yan

The Monopoly Capital School On the Financialization of the Contemporary Economy

Zhang Xueqin

Reflection on Lukács’ Criticism of Heidegger: Based on a Review of Heidegger Redivivus

Yang Dong

A New Path to Western Marxism’s Aesthetic Redemption

Liu Bingjing

The Separation and Consolidation of Modernity: From Early German Romantic Philosophy to Marxism

Zhao Jinying

Dialogue and Interviews

Root and Solution: Reflections on the Covid-19 Epidemic and the Global Crisis: An Interview with Russian Scholars

Guo Lishuang

Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics

The Belt and Road Initiative and the Global Energy Supply-Demand Balance Mechanism

Lü Jiang

Factor Market-Oriented Allocation Reform in the New Era: Logic, Principles, and Systems

Fan Xin

The Logic of Making the Socialist Market Economy China’s Fundamental Economy

Pang Qingming

History of the Dissemination of Marxism in China

Positive and Negative: The Influence of Traditional Chinese People-Oriented Thought on Early Intellectuals’ Embrace of Marxism

Wang Gang & Fan Lin

An Analysis of the Spread of Lenin’s Theory in China before the Founding of the CPC: Based on the Main Political Newspapers and Periodicals in China from 1917 to 1920

Zhu Jiamei & Zhang Naishi

The Dissemination of the Soviet-Russian Socialist Legal System during the May 4th Movement: History, Characteristics, and Significance

Zhang Xiaojun


The New Stage of Development in the New Era Should Fully Grasp the Rich Connotation of the New Development Philosophy

Sun Yeli

As an important part of Xi Jinping’ socialist economic thinking with Chinese characteristics for a new era, the new development philosophy must be adhered to for a long time and enriched and developed continuously. The new development philosophy is needed to guide the high-quality economic and social development in the 14th Five-Year Plan period and must be implemented for development at the new stage in the new era. It is necessary to accurately grasp the rich connotation of the new development philosophy and highlight its leading role in economic and social development. It is imperative to gain an in-depth understanding of the new development philosophy, and further deepen its research, communication, and interpretation.

An Analysis of China’s New Development Model

from the Perspective of Political Economy

Hong Yinxing

The economic cycle consists of production, distribution, circulation and consumption. Final consumption-driven demand has a significant pulling effect on supply. The economic cycle is thus formed by the joint action of the reproduction components. In the new era of globalization, China is shifting its focus from external (international) circulation to internal (domestic) circulation, which involves two areas. One is that some export-oriented regions should shift its focus to domestic circulation. The other is that the industrial production chains should be moved from external to internal circulation. If the Chinese government turns to domestic circulation as the main development model, it needs to integrate expanding domestic demand and deepening supply-side structural reform. To expand domestic demand, China needs to speed up the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system. To deepen supply-side reform, China needs to modernize its industrial chain, which is to deploy the innovation chain based on the industrial chain and deepen their integration. The new dual circulation development model involves the strategic adjustment of China’s open economy, since the economic globalization of the new era, to some extent, ends the comparative advantage model based on factor endowment. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate competitive advantages in core technology based on innovation. This requires the Chinese government to shift from the traditional export-oriented model of opening up to a domestic demand-driven model of opening up. The key is to develop an open but innovation-driven economy.

New Requirements for the Change of Human Practice and the Development of Marxism in the Post-Epidemic Era

Ouyang Kang & Wang Yulin

The sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic still remains a global problem. Not only does it seriously endanger human life and health, it is also triggering profound changes in human practice, and has an incalculable, lingering impact on the development and evolution in China and elsewhere. This not only poses unprecedented urgent problems and severe challenges to the development of Marxism, but also provides unprecedented fresh resources and development opportunities for its development. Based on this new perspective of abnormal logic, this article discusses 12 important issues faced by the changes in human practice and the development of Marxism in the post-epidemic era from four important areas: man and nature, globalization and deglobalization, unilateralism and multilateralism, individuals and society. It also explores new directions and new realm for expanding the Chinese path and developing Marxism in the post-epidemic era in the 21st century.

On the Scientific Nature of the Systems Concept:

Based on Marx’s Principle of Social Organism

Wang Lisheng &Liu Gang

At its Fifth Plenary Session, the 19th CPC Central Committee proposed that Chinese should follow the systems concept for its economic and social development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. General Secretary Xi Jinping also stressed that systems concept is a fundamental thought and method. To understand the systems concept, it is necessary to regard human society as an organic whole and approach overall socialist modernization from the historical process and social structure. Marx’s principle of society being an organic whole incorporates historical materialism into general methodology and analyzes the general law governing economic and social problems. Based on this principle, it is necessary to return to the methodological essence of its category of mediation, grasp the methodological principle of the combination of “stage” and “diversity,” construct the analytical framework of the systems concept, and analyze the overall system and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This will help us deepen our understanding of the scientific nature of the systems concept from the perspective of adapting the Marxist theory to the Chinese context, accurately grasp its Marxist theoretical foundation and academic value, and better implement it for economic and social development.

A Lofty Political Mission: Construct a

Discourse with Chinese Characteristics

Li Junru

Constructing a discourse with Chinese characteristics is an epochal task necessitated by the battles among various ideologies and in the international public opinions in the new era. The construction of a discourse with Chinese characteristics should be undertaken as a lofty political mission. The discourse with Chinese characteristics should be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and based on Marxism, integrated with the fine traditional culture and modernization theory of the Chinese nation. It should embody the mass language of the new era, and be widely disseminated in China and extensively recognized in the international community. It should be a scientific discourse that meets the needs of the nation and the people and responds to the call of the times. Constructing a discourse with Chinese characteristics is an important task of those working in philosophy and social sciences. However, it is not purely a theoretical or academic issue. This must be done in collaboration with theoretical research, communication practice and efforts to win the battle of international public opinion and to enable China to have a stronger voice in the world. The practice of formalities for formalities’ sake is a formidable enemy facing the construction of the discourse with Chinese characteristics, which should be studied and constructed with only an open and pragmatic mind.

“My Spirit Looks on Truth”: Interpreting Engels’ Life Choices

Wei Jianhua

November 28, 2020 marks the 200th anniversary of Engels’ birth. On the strength of Engels’ life choices, this article focuses on the historical vision, scientific spirit and sense of mission of this great teacher, and reflects his selflessness, integrity, and broad-mindedness. It points out that Engels’ practice of truth and morality contains the true meaning of history and that his pursuit of the truest, the best and the most beautiful personality is full of ideal light. The article emphasizes that Engels’ visionary spirit and the Chinese people’s national spirit are in harmony. His deliberate choices and tireless practice show what the true value of life is and how to realize it. In addition, they also help us understand more deeply our national spirit and why it will never be worn down and will always endure. We should learn from Engels’ excellent thought and noble style, and let the light of truth shine on the voyage of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and at the same time point out the direction for our journey of life.

Engels’ Preface-Specific Style in His Twilight Years and Its Wisdom

Gu Hailiang

Engels, in his twilight years, persistently wrote about 20 prefaces or introductions to Karl Marx’s major works to be published or republished. This actually formed a unique theoretical and academic style—the preface-specific style—revealing how Engels examined and interpreted Marx’s theory. This style sticks to the two “great discoveries” in the quintessence of Marx’s thought. Prominently, the style gives a true account of the history of Marx’s thought and serves as an academic norm and theoretical basis for the exploration of Marx’s theory in terms of its historical development. Engels attached the utmost importance to the mastery of the quintessence of Marx’s thought and advocated its scientific spirit and theoretical value. The preface-specific style reveals the ideological orientation and the fundamental purpose of the proletarian revolution as well as its strategy, demonstrating Engels’ wisdom and theoretical appeal in his twilight years.

Root and Solution: Reflections on the Covid-19 Epidemic and

the Global Crisis: An Interview with Russian Scholars

Guo Lishuang

The Covid-19 outbreak has triggered a series of global crises. With a focus on the nature and phenomena, impacts and changes, and problems and solutions concerning Covid-19, Russian scholars deeply ponder about the root causes of the global crises caused by the Covid-19 outbreak, its impact on establishing a new world political order, and the new direction of globalization in the post-epidemic era. They believe that the global crises triggered by the Covid-19 outbreak appear to be problems of health care, but in essence they were caused by imbalanced political and economic development in the world. In nature they manifest the inherent problems in the capitalist system under new conditions, and are a catastrophic threat of global capital hegemony to global development, and a systemic crisis of the social and economic systems of late capitalism. The Covid-19 outbreak has exacerbated the already very acute problems in the international community and declared the failure of the old international political order centered on capitalist countries. The outbreak is bound to trigger a series of actions such as the construction of a new international political order and the reorganization of the weak international organizations for all countries to achieve genuine unity to deal with global crises. The global crises triggered by the Covid-19 outbreak mark the end of the era of globalization led by neo-liberalism and ushers in the plan of socialist globalization, which will be the development direction of the future.

Positive and Negative: The Influence of Traditional Chinese People-Oriented Thought on Early Intellectuals’ Embrace of Marxism

Wang Gang & Fan Lin

Traditional Chinese people-oriented though is an important part of traditional Chinese culture. Regarding the influence of traditional Chinese people-oriented thought on early intellectuals’ embrace of Marxism, academics are divided on whether it positively helped them embrace Marxism or negatively affected their embrace of Marxism. Traditional Chinese people-oriented thought had a double influence on their embrace of Marxism: In terms of positive influence, traditional Chinese people-oriented thought brought early intellectuals closer to Marxist democracy, and served as a bridge between early intellectuals and Marxist historical materialism and between these intellectuals and Marxist thought on people’s lives. In terms of negative influence, because people-oriented thought’s inherent attributes were essentially different from those of Marxism, it caused misinterpretation of Marxist terms in theory, while in practice it stalled the development of China’s democratic revolution to a certain extent.