No. 4, 2019

The Epoch Significance of The May 4th Movement Emancipating the Mind and Spreading the Marxism                                        Shi Zhongquan( 5 )

Research on the Political and Cultural Implications of Commemorating the “May 4th Movement”——The Historical Picture as Revealed in the pre-1949 Major Party Newspapers and

Periodicals Commemorating the May 4th Movement               Ouyang Zhesheng(10)

On the Influence of the United States on the May 4th Movement         Ouyang Junxi(33)

The May 4th Movement as a Method: The Logic of Collective Action and the Endogenous Path of Modern China                                  Wu Qimin(46)

Research on “The Present Situation and the Future of Studies on Contemporary China’s

Diplomatic History”                                          Niu Jun, et al.(65)

Research on Chen Duxiu and the Rumor of “Filial Piety Comes First Among All the Evils”

                                                                  Qu Jun(88)

Another Study on the Concept of the “New Revolutionary History”

 ——A Response to the Article “A Reflection on the Academic Concept of the ‘New Revolutionary History’”                                   Li Jinzheng(101)

A Summary of Studies on the History of the May 4th Movement since the New Century

                                                Guo Ruoping & Xu Wenbin(111)

An Introduction to Beijing’s Reading Club on Contemporary Chinese History  He Hao(125)