Uphold, Improve, and Implement the People’s Congress System to Good Effect

2025-01-26 16:03:55 | Author:By CPC Leadership Group of the General Office of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee | Source:http://en.qstheory.cn2025-01-13

On the morning of September 14, 2024, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) held a meeting to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the NPC’s founding. At the meeting, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech. In his speech, President Xi reviewed the Chinese people’s glorious journey in establishing and improving the people’s congress system under the leadership of the CPC. He provided an exposition of the remarkable strengths of this system, thoroughly summarized our major achievements in advancing theoretical and practical innovation of this system in the new era which began in 2012, and put forward a comprehensive plan and clear requirements for upholding, improving, and implementing it to good effect from a new historical starting point.

I. An inevitable outcome of history

On its founding in 1921, the CPC made it its mission to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. On the basis of integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China’s specific realities and the best of its traditional culture, it made tireless experiments and protracted practical efforts to create a people’s democratic government and ensure that the people run the country. Indeed, the very first program adopted by the CPC at its First National Congress in July 1921 clearly stated, “The Party recognizes the Soviet management system and organizes workers, peasants, and soldiers.” During the Great Revolution (1924–1927), the CPC led the worker and peasant movements, establishing strike committees and city councils in cities and peasant associations in rural areas. These efforts marked its first attempts to establish political power. During the Agrarian Revolution (1927–1937), revolutionary base areas established the system of worker, peasant, and soldier congresses, which resembled the basic form of the subsequent people’s congress system. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931–1945), a government based on a national united front against Japanese aggression was established, and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region implemented a representative assembly system based on the three-thirds principle (according to which Communist Party members, non-CPC progressives, and middle-of-the-roaders each filled a third of the official posts). These experiments led the CPC to propose the basic idea of adopting a system of people’s congresses.


The CPC Central Committee and the NPC Standing Committee hold a meeting to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the NPC’s founding at the Great Hall of the People, Beijing, morning of September 14, 2024. PHOTO BY XINHUA REPORTER ZHAI JIANLAN

In January 1940, Mao Zedong pointed out in his essay “On New Democracy” that “China may now adopt a system of people’s congresses, from the national people’s congress down to the provincial, county, district, and township people’s congresses, with all levels electing their respective governmental bodies.” In “On Coalition Government,” published in April 1945, he further stated, “The organizational principle of the new-democratic state should be democratic centralism, with the people’s congresses determining the major policies and electing the governments at the various levels. During the War of Liberation (1946–1949), people’s representative conferences were successively held in all liberated areas, serving as prototypes in preparation for the establishment of people’s congresses. In September 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) adopted the Common Program of the CPPCC, which held the status of an interim constitution. At the meeting, it was solemnly declared that New China would implement the people’s congress system. The first session of the First National People’s Congress was held in September 1954. At the session, the inaugural Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was adopted, formally making the people’s congress system the foundational political system of the state. This was a landmark event in the political development of China and even that of the world. 

Thanks to 70 years of consolidation, improvement, and development since then, China’s system of people’s congresses is now more mature and well-defined. It has taken deep root in our country and become an integral part of Chinese socialism.


Municipal people’s congress deputies and subdistrict representatives listen to the opinions and suggestions of residents at a local market in Sunzhuang Subdistrict, Hai’an City, Jiangsu Province, April 11, 2024. The event was organized by the People’s Congress Working Committee of the subdistrict. PEOPLE’S DAILY / PHOTO BY ZHAI HUIYONG

II. Notable political advantages

President Xi Jinping has elaborated on the five notable advantages of the people’s congress system: First, it upholds the leadership of the CPC and ensures that the Party leads the people in effectively governing the country in accordance with the law. Second, it applies whole-process people’s democracy and guarantees that the people run the country. Third, it implements democratic centralism, ensuring that the country’s political life is both vibrant and stable. Fourth, it guarantees law-based governance, ensuring that the rule of law underpins all aspects of the country’s work. Fifth, it maintains national unity and ensures long-term stability and security for the country. These important conclusions take into account both history and present reality, theory and practice, and the situation in China and around the world. They offer sound answers and explanations as to why the people’s congress system is so effective, vibrant, and efficient. They also add greater depth and breadth to the well-conceived nature, distinct advantages, and practical requirements of our country’s foundational political system. 

Over the past 70 years, under the CPC’s leadership, the people’s congress system has effectively ensured that China has advanced along a socialist path. This has provided an important institutional guarantee for the Party’s efforts to lead the people in creating the two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability. It has thus been proven in practice that the people’s congress system is a sound one that is well-suited to China’s conditions and realities, reflects the socialist nature of our country, and ensures that the people run the country. It is an effective system for coalescing the strength of our people to promote Chinese modernization, and it possesses tremendous vitality and remarkable advantages.

III. Fruitful theoretical and practical innovations

Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core has pursued a strategy of national rejuvenation amid global changes of a magnitude not seen in a century. From the strategic perspective of upholding and improving the CPC’s leadership and consolidating and developing the socialist system, it has continuously promoted theoretical and practical innovations in the people’s congress system, putting forward a series of new ideas, new thinking, and new requirements that form the basis for Xi Jinping’s thought on upholding and improving the people’s congress system. 

In this regard, President Xi has stressed the following: People’s congresses must uphold the CPC’s leadership; use institutions and systems to guarantee that the people run the country; advance law-based governance; adhere to democratic centralism; stay on the path of socialist political advancement with Chinese characteristics; continue to modernize China’s system and capacity for governance; give full play to the roles of deputies to people’s congresses; and strengthen the development of people’s congresses at all levels. Such development should be based on the requirement that people’s congresses must serve as political institutions that consciously uphold the CPC’s leadership, institutions of state power that ensure the running of the country by the people, working institutions that fully assume the functions conferred by the Constitution and the law, and representative institutions that always maintain close ties with the people. 

These requirements, known as the “eight essentials,” represent an enrichment and elaboration of the “six essentials” put forward by President Xi at the Central People’s Congress Work Conference in 2012. They are seamlessly interconnected and constitute the core tenets of Xi Jinping’s thought on upholding and improving the people’s congress system. They make clear the direction, principles, and rationale underpinning the development of the people’s congress system and the work of people’s congresses. They must be fully understood, resolutely applied, and always adhered to. 

For us to uphold, improve, and implement the people’s congress system to good effect, it is crucial to ensure unity between leadership by the CPC, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance. The people’s congress system is an important institutional vehicle for the Party’s leadership over the organs of state power, and its primary task is to resolutely uphold the CPC Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership, and ensure that our Party’s theories, guidelines, principles, policies, decisions, and plans are fully and effectively implemented through the work of the state. The people’s congress system is not only an important means for ensuring that the Chinese people run the country, but also the highest form through which this is realized. Adhering to the principle that all power of the state belongs to the people, we must support and ensure the people’s exercise of state power through people’s congresses and ensure that all state organs are responsible to the people, serve the people, and are subject to their oversight. The people’s congress system is also an important institutional platform for law-based governance. To develop a system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics and build a socialist nation under the rule of law, we must advance sound legislation, strict law enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and society-wide observance of the law and ensure that all work of the state is carried out under the rule of law.

IV. New missions and tasks in advancing Chinese modernization across the board

President Xi Jinping has pointed out that “With a focus on developing whole-process people’s democracy, we must uphold, improve, and implement the system of people’s congresses to good effect, so as to provide a firm institutional guarantee for achieving the goals of our Party and our people on the new journey in the new era.” He has also set forth clear requirements for “giving full play to the role of people’s congresses in four respects” with an emphasis on “continuously improving the quality of their work in the new era.” 

In line with the guiding principles from the 20th CPC National Congress and the following plenary sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee, we must accurately grasp the role and tasks of people’s congresses in advancing Chinese modernization, so as to fulfill our duties and responsibilities and make solid efforts to contribute to the building of a modern socialist country. 

First, we must give full play to the important role of people’s congresses in ensuring full and effective implementation of the Constitution and the law. We must improve the legal systems concerning the Constitution to fully leverage its central role in legislation and ensure that it is observed throughout the entire legislative process. We should establish a system for reporting on the implementation of the Constitution and improve both the constitutional review and the record and review for normative documents. This will enable us to resolutely correct any inconsistencies with the Constitution and the law and ensure full implementation of our constitutionally established systems, principles, and rules. 

Second, we must give full play to the leading role of people’s congresses in legislation. The organization and coordination of legislative work should be strengthened. The NPC should give fuller rein to its leading role in determining legislative items, organizing the drafting of laws, coordinating efforts on major issues, and reviewing draft legislation. The mechanism through which relevant NPC special committees and working bodies of the NPC Standing Committee take the lead in drafting important laws should be improved. With a focus on the key task of raising the quality of legislation, we must steadily improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics. We should make improvements to laws that are urgently needed for national governance, necessary for meeting the people’s needs for a better life, and imperative for safeguarding national security, making good laws that promote development and ensure good governance. We should see that reform is advanced under the rule of law and that the rule of law is improved through reform. This means that major reforms should be underpinned by sound laws and that reform achievements should be timely elevated to the status of law. 

Third, we must give full play to the important oversight role of people’s congresses in the Party and state oversight systems. We must conduct oversight in an appropriate, effective, and law-based manner to promote the implementation of the CPC Central Committee’s decisions and plans, ensure that all state organs exercise their powers in accordance with the law, and see that the people’s lawful rights and interests are safeguarded and advanced. To refine the systems for oversight of administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory, and procuratorial organs by people’s congresses, we should improve the Law on the Oversight by the Standing Committees of People’s Congresses at All Levels and its implementation mechanisms. We should also step up examination and oversight of government budgets and final accounts, oversight of state-owned asset management, and oversight of government debt management. 

Fourth, we must give full play to the exemplary role of people’s congresses in maintaining close ties with the people. We must apply the people-centered development philosophy and act on the principle of working for the people and relying on them in everything we do. To ensure close ties with the people, we need to engage with local communities and residents in our research and studies, seek out people’s opinions and suggestions, and better respond to their needs. This will ensure that all our initiatives embody the will of the people, safeguard people’s rights and interests, and are aligned with their needs and wishes.


A legislative liaison officer solicits the opinions of local residents on legislation at Honghuanlu Community in the district of Zhanggong, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, September 9, 2024. Zhanggong has introduced high standards for the development and operation of legislative outreach offices. PEOPLE’S DAILY / PHOTO BY HU JIANGTAO

V. An important institutional vehicle for realizing whole-process people’s democracy

The major concept of whole-process people’s democracy proposed by President Xi Jinping has established a clear theme for our efforts to advance socialist democracy on the new journey in the new era. The development of whole-process people’s democracy is integral to Chinese modernization. We must resolutely follow the socialist path of political advancement with Chinese characteristics and uphold and improve China’s foundational, basic, and important political systems. On this basis, we should enrich the forms of democracy at every level and ensure that the principle of the people running the country is manifested in concrete and practical ways in all aspects of national political and social life.

In China, all state power belongs to the people. People’s congress deputies are elected by the people to form people’s congresses at various levels in order to exercise state power. Administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory, and procuratorial organs at all levels are created by people’s congresses, are responsible to them, and are subject to their oversight. From the nature and configuration of state organs to the distribution and exercise of state power, all facets of the state embody the principle that power comes from the people, must answer to the people, serves the people, and is subject to the people’s oversight. This ensures, to the greatest extent possible, that it is the people who run the country. The formulation and revision of the Constitution and the law by the NPC and its oversight of their implementation are vivid examples of whole-process people’s democracy in practice. At the same time, these efforts also provide legal safeguards for the development of whole-process people’s democracy. 

Practicing and developing whole-process people’s democracy is not only an important duty of the NPC but also the key to its vitality. It is imperative that we improve the democratic platforms and vehicles through which the general public express opinions, enhance the rules of procedure for people’s congresses, along with their debate, assessment, discussion, and hearing systems, and improve the working mechanisms for drawing on public opinion and pooling the wisdom of the people. With this, we will ensure that all work of people’s congresses is firmly underpinned by the will of the people. 

The NPC Standing Committee has established and improved the mechanism for soliciting public opinion on draft laws. Since 2012, public opinion has been sought on 277 draft laws, with about 1.47 million submissions providing more than 4.15 million suggestions and comments. Since 2015, the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee has established 45 legislative outreach offices covering 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government. These efforts have prompted provincial and municipal people’s congresses to establish more than 7,300 such offices, thereby creating smooth democratic channels for community-level participation in national legislative work. Since 2020, the Budgetary Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee has established 13 community-level outreach offices and 2 university outreach offices, with a view to better assessing popular sentiment, gathering insights from the people, and benefiting the public in areas such as the examination and oversight of government budgets and final accounts, state-owned asset management oversight, government debt management oversight, and fiscal and tax legislation. 

Better leveraging the role of deputies to people’s congresses is an important manifestation of the people running the country and a crucial foundation for the work of people’s congresses. State organs should support deputies in performing their duties in accordance with the law, improving the systems and mechanisms for communications with deputies, ensuring high-quality handling of deputies’ proposals and suggestions, and seeing that the demands and will of the people, as conveyed by deputies, are incorporated into all aspects of work. We must leverage the unique strengths of our deputies who come from and are rooted among the people by giving play to their professional expertise. We should enrich both the form and content of public outreach activities to ensure that the opinions and wishes of the general public are heard and conveyed to the relevant authorities. To date, more than 200,000 outreach and local centers for deputies have been established in various localities, basically achieving full coverage of all towns, townships, and subdistricts. This has created an effective platform to facilitate deputies at all levels in performing their statutory duties and staying in contact with the public. We need to develop and effectively utilize various mechanisms and platforms with a focus on ensuring that outreach activities enable deputies to carry out their statutory duties and effectively fulfill their roles. Doing so will allow us to create more pragmatic and effective windows into public opinion and bridges of connection with the people.

(Originally appeared in Qiushi Journal, Chinese edition, No. 19, 2024)

Source: English Edition of Qiushi Journal,2024.No.6