Zhang Shiyi: Chinese Modernization Concept and Translation

2024-06-20 14:47:00 | Author:Zhang Shiyi | Source:xinhua2022-12-15

Chinese modernization" is one of the key concepts in the report to the 20th CPC National Congress. This concept has been mentioned by General Secretary Xi Jinping in many occasions, and its Chinese characteristics and essential requirements are articulated specifically and systematically again in the report. For such a concept, the delegates to the Congress conducted in-depth discussions on it and the international media also paid close attention to it.

It is not hard to understand, as we have completed the First Centenary Goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the task ahead is to work toward the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country. In other words, to realize modernization has become our immediate goal and practical task.

Indeed, modernization is one of the common goals pursued by all humanity. Though developed countries in the West have achieved modernization, most developing countries, China included, are still working hard to realize this goal. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China and particularly after entering the new era, through constant experiment and practice, our Party has deepened its understanding, become more mature strategically, and accumulated abundant practice in building a modern socialist country. It has successfully advanced and expanded Chinese modernization and created a new model for human advancement. Chinese modernization is deeply rooted in China and is suited to China's conditions, thus boasting great development potential.

The reason why China could pioneer a new path of modernization is that we have unique cultural traditions, history, and national conditions, which dictates that we must adopt a path of development that is consistent with our own unique characteristics.

We can also see this from the following two aspects. First, China is a major country with unique characteristics, so it must independently decide its own future and take its own path without following suit or sitting on the fence. We must develop our country and our nation with our own strength, and we must maintain a firm grasp on the future of China's development and progress. Second, during the historical process of achieving modernization, China, as a late comer, could not only learn from the useful experiences of developed countries in realizing this goal, but also avoid their twists and turns and mistakes. In this way, China could go faster, better, and more stable on the path toward Chinese modernization, and thus create miracles of rapid economic growth and enduring social stability. It is fair to say that the advancement and expansion of Chinese modernization show the superiority of socialism with Chinese characteristics and dispel the myth that "modernization is westernization", offering new options for other developing countries to achieve modernization.

How should we look at the statements on "Chinese modernization" in the report? I think the key is to understand and grasp its nature and positioning.

It is pointed out in the report that Chinese modernization is socialist modernization pursued under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. This clearly explains the nature of Chinese modernization which is different from capitalist modernization centered on capital in western countries, it is people-centered socialist modernization. Based on traditional Chinese culture, it is capable of overcoming great disparity in wealth, materialism, consumerism, and other shortcomings in capitalist society due to pursuing maximum profits by capital. It advocates "people's well-rounded development" rather than development of "one-dimensional man" under the capitalist system.

The report also clarifies the five characteristics of Chinese modernization and articulates its essential requirements in nine sentences. These statements help us understand the positioning of Chinese modernization: a great, independent, integral, and advanced concept as opposed to western modernization. Based on such understandings, we translate the concept into "Chinese modernizationin the English version. This translation is concise and straightforward and is applicable in translating the concept into other foreign languages. This helps spread the concept in the international context. Seen from the reports and feedbacks from mainstream foreign media during the 20th CPC National Congress, this English translation is commonly recognized and used and spreads quickly in the international community, achieving the expected communication effect.

Excerpt from Zhang Shiyi's Speech at "Hong Ting Forum: Understanding the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China".