Party Leadership and Chinese Modernization

2024-01-06 22:14:02 | Author:Theory Study Group, Institute of Party History and Literature, Central Committee of the Communist Party of China | Source:theorychina2024-01-06

Party Leadership and Chinese Modernization[1]


Theory Study Group, Institute of Party History and Literature,

Central Committee of the Communist Party of China


“Chinese modernization represents a significant accomplishment,” stressed General Secretary Xi Jinping in his remarks at the opening ceremony of a seminar on the guiding principles from the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. “It has been attained after extensive research and practice, during which the Party has led citizens of various ethnic backgrounds throughout the country while suffering greatly and paying a heavy price.” He emphasized further that, “The fundamental orientation, future, and ultimate success or failure of Chinese modernization is directly tied to the leadership of the Party.” This viewpoint, which reveals the close connection between the Party’s leadership and this particular modernization, is based on the theoretical investigation, the practical experience, and the current needs of Chinese modernization. It emphasizes that the most notable aspect and major strength of Chinese modernization is the unwavering leadership of the Communist Party of China.


I. The Party’s leadership in steering the people’s protracted struggle has effectively launched, accelerated, and expanded Chinese modernization.


Achieving modernity is a common goal shared by all nations worldwide and a sign of the advancement of human civilization. With its dazzling and resilient civilization, the Chinese people have left a lasting mark on the advancement of human civilization and occupy a special place in the world’s cultural landscape. China, meanwhile, has been progressively left behind in the global industrialization and modernization wave. China became a semi-colonial, semi-feudal state, suffering from national humiliation, suffering of its people, and a tarnishing of its civilization, especially after the Opium War in 1840. For the Chinese people, this was an unprecedented time of disaster. Since then, the Chinese people and the Chinese nation’s greatest dream has been to realize national rejuvenation. Since the dawn of the modern period, China’s historical struggles and current circumstances have made it necessary for the country’s modernization and rejuvenation to be mutually reinforcing objectives. The investigation of routes toward modernization and national rejuvenation proceeds in tandem. Since its founding, our Party has brought the Chinese people together and guided them in their unwavering quest to pave the way for China’s modernization and to bring about national rejuvenation, thereby penning the most spectacular chapter in the millennia-long history of the Chinese nation. Through these initiatives and the success they yielded, Chinese modernization was effectively introduced and has been actively developed and broadened.

The Party united and led the people through the new-democratic revolution, creating a new China run by its people. The nation gained independent and the people were freed thanks to this revolution, which also established the fundamental social framework required for China’s modernization. The three main requirements for creating a modern state are social stability, national independence, and people’s emancipation. A conquered, divided, and in turmoil nation cannot aim for, nor succeed in, long-term, meaningful modernization. “A China that is not poor and weak but prosperous and strong implies a China that is not colonial or semi-colonial but independent, not semi-feudal but free and democratic, not divided but united,” Mao Zedong famously said. “In semi-colonial, semi-feudal and divided China, many people have for years dreamed of developing industry, building up national defense, and bringing wellbeing to the people and prosperity and power to the nation, but all their dreams have been shattered.” Under the leadership of the Party, the oppressive powers of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism were overthrown, winning the triumph in the new-democratic revolution and ending the longstanding semi-colonial and semi-feudal state of old China. The Chinese people were able to rise as a result of this historic shift from millennia of feudal despotism to people’s democracy. The Chinese people, now in control of their own fate and led by the Communist Party of China, started their historic march toward modernization within the framework of an independent, free, democratic, and unified new China.


On July 15, 1956, China’s First Automobile Works in Changchun manufactured the country’s first trucks under the Jiefang brand, ending the period in which China was unable to create its own automobiles. Released by Xinhua News Agency, the photo depicts the plant workers applauding as the first batch of Jiefang trucks rolls out.

 During the socialist revolution and development era, the Party guided the people in carrying out the socialist revolution and advancing socialist development, laying the theoretical groundwork, practical foundations, and essential political framework for China’s modernization. Following the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Party expeditiously aided in the shift from new democracy to socialism, citing the need to mend the wounds of war and revitalize the domestic economy. During this transition, socialist transformation was implemented, the longstanding feudal system in China was abolished, and the basic framework of socialism was established. This shift propelled a populous and impoverished Eastern giant into the socialist society, marking the largest and most significant social revolution in Chinese history. The fundamental political and structural groundwork for modernization was established by this shift. Based on this, the Party outlined goals to accomplish national industrialization and construct a great modern socialist country. It guided the populace in the extensive and massive socialist development. China started to modernize its industrial heritage, which was technologically archaic and disproportionately developed, through a series of Five-Year Plans, creating an autonomous and all-encompassing industrial and economic structure. These initiatives gave modernization a material foundation and a tactical platform. The Party placed great emphasis on a “second amalgamation” that combined the fundamental tenets of Marxism with China’s unique circumstances in order to advance socialist development. It examined a viable course for constructing socialism that took into account China’s particular situation. The Party also conducted a detailed analysis of both favorable and unfavorable events, which produced a number of important ideas for socialist development and a number of creative theoretical contributions, providing priceless experiences and theoretical groundwork for pursuing modernization in a new historical epoch.

In the new period of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization, the Party united and led the people in a new significant revolution of reform and opening up. This movement fostered, sustained, defended, and evolved socialism with Chinese characteristics, providing an energetic and robust system along with the necessary material conditions for rapid development toward Chinese modernization. Post-Cultural Revolution, the Party and nation stood at a critical historical crossroads. Deng Xiaoping profoundly remarked, “Our modernization program and socialist cause will be doomed if we don’t make reforms now.” Grounded in a deep understanding of the future and trajectory of the Party and nation, a thorough reflection on socialist revolutionary and development experiences, an acute awareness of the era’s trends, and a profound appreciation of the people’s aspirations and needs, the Party made a historic shift. It moved its focus to economic development and embraced reform and opening up, marking a pivotal shift in the Party’s history since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. This shift reaffirmed the Party’s basic line in the primary stage of socialism, unwaveringly promoted reform and opening up, and vigorously advanced theoretical, institutional, cultural, and other forms of innovation based on practical experiences. Establishing and implementing a socialist market economy, the Party undertook comprehensive economic, political, cultural, and social advancement. This led to a monumental leap from a relatively underdeveloped productive capacity to becoming the world’s second-largest economy, making a historic transformation from basic sustenance to overall moderate prosperity, and enabling the Chinese nation to achieve tremendous transformation from standing up to growing rich. China has rapidly caught up with the times. Under a rejuvenated system and with the backing of swiftly advancing material conditions, China’s journey toward socialist modernization has seen remarkable and continuous evolution.

In the New Era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Party has led the people in a significant social revolution to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the New Era. This era has been marked by groundbreaking theoretical and practical innovations, effectively propelling and broadening Chinese modernization. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core has been navigating the new historical phase of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It has aligned the grand objective of the Chinese nation’s rejuvenation with the profound changes of a kind unseen in the world in a century. The committee has meticulously analyzed China’s experiences in socialist modernization, gaining a deep understanding of the core principles of modernization. By addressing key challenges and issues in our modernization efforts, it has thoroughly deepened reforms, innovatively propelled the journey of Chinese modernization, and broadened its theoretical framework. This direction has opened new avenues for the comprehensive advancement of the Chinese nation’s rejuvenation through the lens of Chinese modernization. This is manifest in four key aspects:

1. Deepening Understanding: Integrating the fundamental tenets of Marxism with China’s unique context and the best of traditional Chinese culture, continuing to adapt Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times, and establishing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which represents new significant achievements in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times, and provides a foundational guide for Chinese modernization.

2. Enhancing Comprehension: Advancing the understanding of the essence and meaning of Chinese modernization, articulating its distinct characteristics, fundamental demands, and key principles, and preliminarily forming a theoretical framework. This makes Chinese modernization more defined, scientific, and tangible.

3. Perfecting Strategy: Continuously refining strategic approaches, including the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy,[2] and vigorously implementing major strategies like those for scientific and educational advancement, talent development, and rural revitalization, thereby offering robust strategic support for Chinese modernization.

4. Enriching Practice: Implementing transformative practices, achieving breakthrough progress, and securing landmark achievements. These efforts have led to historic accomplishments and transformations in the Party and country’s cause, notably eradicating absolute poverty, completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, fulfilling the First Centenary Goal, and embarking on the new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects and striving toward the Second Centenary Goal. The Chinese nation has achieved a tremendous transformation: it has stood up, grown rich, and is becoming strong, firmly advancing the irreversible process of its rejuvenation. This has provided more comprehensive institutional guarantees, a stronger material foundation, and a more proactive spirit for the pursuit of Chinese modernization.


II. Chinese modernization is essentially characterized by the leadership of the Party. Not only did the Party design the overall framework for this modernization model, but it will also guide the populace in gradually bringing this vision to pass.


Many Chinese political factions set out to rescue the country from catastrophe and steer it toward modernity after the Opium War in 1840. The Westernization Movement’s strategy of “learning from the West to best the West,” the Reform Movement’s agenda for “reform to achieve prosperity,” the bourgeois revolutionaries’ pursuit of a “bourgeois republic” and “national salvation based on industrial development,” and even Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s “Plan for National Reconstruction,” which is regarded as the first formal modernization blueprint in modern China, all ultimately failed. China’s modernization effort desperately needed to be guided by a sophisticated institution equipped with scientific theory. The Communist Party of China thus emerged and became this essential center of leadership, directing China’s modernization.


Bottom: Building site of the Beijing-Xiongan Intercity Railway’s Xiongan Station, August 29, 2019. Top: Xiongan Station, March 23, 2023. (Image courtesy of Mou Yu, Xinhua News Agency reporter.)

 The hallmark of Chinese modernization is the leadership of the Party. “Chinese modernization is socialist modernization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,” as General Secretary Xi Jinping put it. Chinese modernization is fundamentally socialist and unique from other forms of modernization due to the Party’s nature, goals, founding aspiration and mission, convictions and beliefs, and policies. The political core of the Communist Party of China is its steadfast belief in Marxism, Socialism, and Communism. The Party is led by Marxism and represents the proletariat. The continual endeavor to construct, sustain, defend, and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics is known as the voyage of Chinese modernization. Fundamentally, “Chinese” in this sense refers to socialism that is essentially Chinese in nature and embodies the important idea of “Party leadership.” The Party’s leadership is the most powerful aspect of socialism with Chinese characteristics and is also its hallmark. Under the leadership of the Party, China is protected from taking the old path of being closed and inflexible, or the erroneous path of abandoning socialism. Rather, it firmly pursues socialism with Chinese characteristics, offering advice for the proper course of Chinese modernization. This leadership provides scientific theoretical direction for Chinese modernization while ensuring ongoing advancements in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times. It guarantees Chinese socialism’s ongoing development and improvement, offering a strong institutional base for Chinese modernization. It also contributes a source of strength to Chinese modernization and supports the growth of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.

The Party’s leadership has developed a comprehensive plan for Chinese modernization. Modernization requires high-level, strategic planning together with the development of a detailed blueprint. The success of modernization initiatives is heavily influenced by the efficacy of this design and the precision of the selected course. The Communist Party of China has been at the forefront of the careful development of the blueprint for Chinese modernization. During the new-democratic revolution, the Party declared that, “The mission of the Chinese working class extends beyond fighting for the creation of a new democratic nation; it also encompasses striving for the industrialization of China and modernization of its agriculture.” After the People’s Republic of China was established, the Party concentrated on industrialization and modernization, gradually improving and extending the modernization plan. The Party unveiled a two-step plan for modernization in the 1960s, coupled with the Four Modernizations in the areas of industry, agriculture, national defense, and science and technology. Following the reform and opening up, it put forth the important idea of “ Chinese modernization” and outlined a three-step plan for socialist modernization by the middle of the 21st century. The Party devised a new “three-step” development plan and the Two Centenary Goals[3] to complete the last stage as the second step came to an end. The Party Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core has methodically reviewed China’s modernization experiences and journey since the 18th National Congress. They have consistently pushed the modernization process in line with the needs of the New Era. They have participated in strategic planning to further advance and spread Chinese modernization, building on theoretical and practical breakthroughs to create a more spectacular picture of its success. The 20th National Congress of the Party provided a more comprehensive vision and comprehensive plan for developmental objectives leading up to 2035 and the midpoint of the 21st century, expanding on the strategic arrangement established at the 19th National Congress for finishing building a great modern socialist country. It outlined pivotal strategies and significant actions for building a modern socialist country in all respects over the next five years, a crucial period for initiating and establishing a foundation. It also specified the schedule, blueprint, and objectives necessary for the ongoing pursuit of Chinese modernization in the New Era. This commitment to adhering to a consistent and comprehensive plan reflects the strategic determination of the Communist Party of China in governance. It highlights the systemic strengths inherent in the Party’s leadership, fundamentally overcoming the limitations often seen in capitalist countries, such as political party strife, partisan self-interest, and inconsistent policy-making.

The Chinese modernization vision has been turned into reality in large part thanks to the leadership of the Party. The central figurehead of this modernization endeavor is the Communist Party of China. The country has come together under its leadership to gradually achieve the stated goal. In the early days of the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong poignantly remarked, ‘What are we capable of manufacturing now? We can craft tables, chairs, tea bowls, and teapots... However, we are unable to produce cars, airplanes, tanks, or tractors.” Presently, our country boasts the world’s most comprehensive industrial system and has emerged as the leading manufacturing nation globally. Significant scientific and technological achievements such as Tiangong, Jiaolong, Tianyan, Mozi, and BeiDou are impressive. This monumental stride and swift advancement have forged a marvel in the annals of modern human development. The critical code behind this wonder is the unwavering leadership of the Party. Adapting to the dynamic principal tasks of Chinese modernization at various stages, the Party decisively shapes and executes policies. It steadfastly upholds, enriches, and evolves theoretical frameworks, devising and refining policies and principles. The Party provides overall leadership and coordinates the efforts of all sides. embodying an ethos of relentless dedication and perseverance, ensuring that all policies and measures are effectively realized. The Party not only sets the objective of “crossing the river” but also addresses the means, such as “bridges or boats,” offering correct theoretical and practical approaches. This provides methodological guidance in navigating the complex relations inherent in the journey of Chinese modernization. Demonstrating courage in innovation, the Party aligns with contemporary trends and public aspirations, striving to overcome systemic and institutional barriers. This bolsters social development dynamism, translating the system’s strengths into enhanced governance efficacy, and continually fueling the vigor of Chinese modernization.


III. The Party’s leadership gathers the magnificent power for Chinese modernization.


The entire populace is involved in Chinese modernization, which is essential to achieving national rejuvenation. It necessitates the activation of the people’s remarkable creative capacity and sense of ownership. In addition to maintaining internal cohesion and unity, our Party, dedicated to its original mission of pursuing happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, also serves as a bridge between Chinese communities across the globe and people of all ethnic backgrounds within the nation. Chinese modernization is thus being driven by a strong collective force of unity.

The Party strengthens its own forces. The Party’s unity is essential to the ongoing advancement and growth of its cause as well as to guiding the populace toward Chinese modernization. A cohesive Party at the vanguard is necessary to bring together disparate forces for modernization in a populous and complicated country like China. In his statement, “Only through the unity of the Communist Party can the unity of the whole class and nation be achieved, which is essential to defeat the enemy,” Mao Zedong highlighted the significance of internal unity as the crucial factor. “The unity and solidarity of the Party determines the future of the Party and the people and secures the fundamental interests of the country,” emphasizes General Secretary Xi Jinping. Adhering to the concept that “the interests of Party unity prevail above everything else,” the Party has always viewed unity as its lifeline. Its bold pursuit of self-reform and constant reinforcement of its self-development make unity a defining characteristic and important benefit. The Party strengthens its political structure by emphasizing the maintenance of the authority and centralized, unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, as well as the unwavering execution of its policies and objectives, turning the Party into “a solid block of steel.” The Party strengthens its theoretical cohesion by urging its members to cling to their ideals and convictions which are as essential for a Communist as calcium is for bones, and reinforce the theoretical foundation for Party unity. The Party strengthens its organization by improving the efficient, integrated organizational system that offers strong organizational support for Party unity. It improves its conduct by upholding a heritage of struggle and unity, opposing self-centered behavior, decentralism, behavior in disregard of the rules, a silo mentality, unprincipled nice-guyism, and defending its unity with the same fervor as one would defend their eyes. The Party intensifies the development of discipline, prioritizing discipline and rules to vigorously combat behaviors that undermine Party unity. It strengthens its systems, diligently enforcing democratic centralism, thoroughly fortify the systems, and utilize systems that ensure both foundational and long-term governance to preserve Party unity.

The Party mobilizes the strength of the country as a whole. Dr. Sun Yat-sen once pointed out that the lack of organization and mobilization among the populace was a major factor in the poverty and backwardness of old China, likening it to “40 million individuals combined into one China, yet in actuality, it is simply a heap of loose sand.” “Awaken the populace and unite with nations that treat us as equals” was his stated goal in the fight for a powerful, prosperous, egalitarian, and modern China. But his vision never came to pass. Regarding this, Mao Zedong said: “Sun Yat-sen advocated ‘arousing the masses of the people’ or ‘giving assistance to the peasants and workers.’ But who is to ‘arouse’ them or ‘give assistance’ to them? Sun Yat-sen had the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie in mind. As a matter of fact, they cannot do so.” Who then might do so? The Communist Party of China alone. The Party has won the people’s sincere support and unwavering endorsement because it upholds its fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly and having no particular interests other than those of the country and its citizens. Through its strong political leadership, intellectual direction, ability to organize the people, and appealing to society, the Party has brought people together, inspired great creativity among them, and mobilized them. It led the people in completing the industrialization process in a matter of decades, a feat that took centuries in industrialized nations, and it paved the way for Chinese modernization that would lead to the strength of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation. The Party understands that the people are the driving force behind Chinese modernization and the essential to building a modern socialist country in all respects. As a result, it consistently adopts a people-centered approach, ingrains a mass perspective thoroughly, applies the mass line, keeps tight relationships with the public, depends heavily on them, values their creativity, and completely encourages their sense of ownership. The Party advances Chinese modernization by utilizing the collective wisdom and strength of everybody.

Additionally, the Party brings together the power of Chinese communities in China and outside. A powerful factor in the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the widespread unification of Chinese people globally. A crucial instrument for uniting all Chinese, local and foreign, behind this rejuvenation is the united front. The Party makes use of the united front in its pursuit of Chinese modernization, its advancement, and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Party consistently fortifies and broadens the broadest possible united front, uniting all possible friends, activating all positive components, and galvanizing Chinese people and Chinese communities at home and abroad, all while adapting to the unique circumstances and historical tasks of each epoch. This makes the most of everyone’s efforts in this joint endeavor. Tan Kah Kee headed a group of abroad Chinese from Nanyang, to return to China to witness the conditions of the War of Resistance. “China’s hope is in Yan’an,” he concluded in Yan’an’s cave homes, after noticing the striking differences between his travels to Chongqing and Yan’an. Chinese citizens living abroad and in China came together to celebrate ice and snow sports during the Beijing Winter Olympics. Their fervent involvement and jubilant backing for the athletes and the country represented the Chinese people’s ingrained beliefs and unstoppable progress. These incidents clearly show how popular the Party is with Chinese people around the world. “The direction of public sentiment and the balance of power are crucial in determining the success or failure of the Party and the people’s cause, representing the highest political priority,” emphasizes General Secretary Xi Jinping. Riding high on the banner of unification, we must take use of the political might of the Communist Party of China’s leadership and the structural benefits of Chinese socialism as we embark on our new adventure. We hope to bring together knowledge and power from all fields by fully utilizing the united front as a crucial tactic, supporting the coordinated efforts of Chinese communities both at home and overseas. This joint effort aims to create a strong, cohesive force by focusing our energies on the same objective and building significant momentum for building a modern socialist country in all respects and rejuvenating the Chinese nation on all fronts.


Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft docks with the space station, captured from the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center. (Image courtesy of Guo Zhongzheng, Xinhua News Agency reporter.)

 The most important and unique theoretical and practical breakthrough in human history, Chinese modernization is a unique and enormous undertaking. With its vast population, poor economy, and culture, China finds that pursuing modernization via the socialist path is like climbing an unexplored mountain; there are no easy routes or well-established routes to choose. There will certainly be hazards and difficulties along this modernizing road. What enables us to triumph over risks and challenges? Fundamentally, it’s the leadership of the Party, guiding the people to bravely and skillfully engage in struggles. As General Secretary Xi Jinping insightfully remarked, “In times of turbulence, the unwavering leadership of the Party and the authority of the Party Central Committee stand as our most solid support”; “With the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, providing overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all sides, we offer the essential political assurance for composed responses to various significant risks and challenges.” On our new journey, the entire Party must profoundly grasp the critical importance of the Two Affirmations,[4] and steadfastly commit to the Two Upholds.[5] By fully embracing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, reinforcing and enhancing the Party’s comprehensive leadership, and integrating the Party’s guidance into every sphere and stage of the Party and country’s cause, the Party will continually be the most dependable mainstay for the populace during adversities. By uniting and leading the people in collective endeavors, we aim to ensure the steady and long-term journey of Chinese modernization and to drive the rejuvenation the Chinese nation through this modernization approach.


[1] Originally appeared in Qiushi Journal, Chinese edition, 2023, no. 11.

[2] The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan is to promote coordinated economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological advancement. The Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy is to make comprehensive moves to build a modern socialist country, deepen reform, advance law-based governance, and strengthen Party self-governance.

[3] Two Centenary Goals are to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the centenary of the Communist Party of China in 2021 and to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the centenary of the People’s Republic of China in 2049.

[4] They are affirming Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and affirming the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

[5] They are upholding Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and upholding the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.