Qu Qingshan: Understanding the Five Distinctive Features of Chinese Modernization

2023-11-24 22:14:01 | Author:Qu Qingshan | Source:theorychina2023-11-24

Understanding the Five Distinctive Features of Chinese Modernization

Qu Qingshan

President of the Institute of Party History and Literature

of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Achieving the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation crucially hinges on addressing the question of its development path. On February 7, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping articulated a profound exposition on this matter during a major speech at a seminar of new members and alternate members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), as well as principal leaders at the provincial and ministerial level, on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the guiding principles from of the Party's 20th National Congress. The General Secretary highlighted that Chinese modernization encapsulates not only the shared features of modernization experienced by various countries but also showcases stark characteristics emerging from China's own national conditions. The political report from the 20th National Party Congress lucidly encapsulates the five distinctive features of Chinese modernization, insightfully revealing its scientific essence. This is as much a theoretical abstraction as it is a practical imperative, illuminating a broad path toward completing a modern socialist country in all respects and realizing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's pivotal discourse, staunchly blending theory with practice and threading history with the present, not only theoretically generalizes the Chinese characteristics of modernization but also introduces clear practical imperatives on its progression. Diligently studying and holistically implementing this pivotal discourse hold immensely practical and guiding significance for the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups nationwide to maintain confidence and fortitude, to build on past successes and make innovations, and to forge ahead with determination and valor, propelling comprehensively the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation via Chinese modernization. It's vital to delve deeply into understanding the five distinctive features of Chinese modern, and further recognize profoundly that Chinese modernization is the grand avenue toward nation-building and national rejuvenation, determined by these five features of Chinese characteristics.

(Qu Qingshan: President of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China)