No.3 2024

Marxism & Reality  2024(3)



Advancing Systematic and Theoretical Research and Interpretation: Exploring New Horizons in the Adaption of Marxism to the Chinese Context and the Needs  of the Times //Wang Weiguang1

Research on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

Human Liberation as a Catalyst for Modernization’s Tremendous Momentum //Wu Zhongmin6

BuildingChinaIndependent Knowledge System Must Intensify Theoretical Thinking //Sun Laibin14

Xi Jinping’s Innovative Contributions to Marxist Cultural Theory //Huang Jianjun(20)

Examining the Cultural Significance of a Human Community with a Shared Future //Jin Chengwei29

Adapting the Marxist Theory for Strengthen the Party to the Chinese Context and the Needs of the Times: A Perspective from Integrating Marxism with the Best Elements of Traditional Chinese Culture //Kan Daoyuan35

Research on the Chinese Compilation and Translation of Marxist Classical Works

Revisiting Marx’s Footnote: “Money Comes into the World” // Xu Yang(43)

Research on Fundamental Marxist Theories

Prosperity for All: The Necessity of Unifying Production and Consumption in the Economic Manuscripts of 1857-1858 //Gong Jingcai54

Marx’s Critique of Feuerbach’s Philosophical Limitations in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 //Fan Yingchun & Bu Xiangji62

The Rheinische Zeitung Period: Marx’s Abandonment of Enlightenment in Context and Method //Bao Dawei71

Competition in Modern Society: Insights from Marx and Engels //Chen Peiyong & Lin Xiuneng80

Humanity and Nature as a Community of Life: A Philosophical Perspective //Hong Xiu87

Research on Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics

Marxist Political Economy: Creative Developments in the New Era //Zhang Yu(93)

Institutional Support for the Growth of New Quality Productive Forces through Reform and Innovation //Pang Jinju103

Green Low-Carbon Development in the New Era: Practices, Challenges, and Pathways //Chen Minghua & Xie Linxiao110

Dialogues and Interviews

Das Kapital and the Critique of Political Economy: Insights from Frieder Otto Wolf //Shan Sen & Luan Wenjuan118

Historical Research on World Socialist Development

Lenin’s Conception of Proletarian Party Leadership //Wang Zhongru(123)

Mao Zedong and Chinese Modernization: A Historical Materialist Analysis //Zhang Shihai & Yao Gongwu132

The CPC’s Role in Laying the Foundation for Chinese Modernization //Zhang Chuanhe140

Commemorating Lenin: The CPC’s Early Activities (1924–1927) //Zeng Yinhui & Zheng Zhixin147

U.S. Hegemony and Its Dilemmas //Ethical Conflicts in American Imperial Hegemonic Politics //Jin Fenglin156

The U.S. Dollar System’s Marginal Adjustments and Its Global Economic Impacts //Wang Da165

Research on Marxism Abroad

Reexamining Western Marxism from a Chinese Standpoint //Zhang Liang(174)

Thai Marxism: Theoretical Developments and Contemporary Appraisals //Liu Yumeng & Yuangrat Wedel183

Hegemonic World Orders, Distributional (In)Justice and Global Social Change // Şahan Savaş KarataşliTrans. Wang Wenbin)(192


Advancing Systematic and Theoretical Research and Interpretation: 

Exploring New Horizons in the Adaption

 of Marxism to the Chinese Context and the Needs of the Times

 Wang Weiguang


  Strengthening the systematic and theoretical research and interpretation of the Party’s innovative theories, especially Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and exploring new horizons in the adaption of Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times, is a crucial political task facing China’s Marxist theoretical circles and even the philosophy and social science community. To better accomplish this important task, efforts should be made in three main areas: first, accelerating the development of a discipline system, academic system, and discourse system of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics to lay a solid theoretical foundation for researching and interpreting the Party’s innovative theories; second, promoting the innovation of research paradigms in Marxist theory and enhancing the systematic theoretical interpretation of the Party’s innovative theories; and third, developing an independent Chinese knowledge system of the Party’s innovative theories based on theoretical and academic innovation.


Human Liberation as a Catalyst for Modernization’s Tremendous Momentum

Wu Zhongmin

  Human liberation is a vital catalyst for modernization’s momentum, without which such momentum would be inconceivable. From the perspective of social members’ universal potential, human liberation enables them to gradually acquire autonomy, independence, and relative equality, becoming the driving force behind modernization and its solid material foundation. Considering the spatial dimension of social members’ survival and development, human liberation has vastly expanded the scope of human activities, facilitating the effective aggregation and allocation of various factors of production, thereby enhancing modernization’s impetus. In terms of social members’ goal orientation, human liberation has led to increasingly diverse individual needs, continuously activating modernization’s driving force. However, we must also be mindful of the potential for human liberation to spiral out of control, such as excessive human needs, unrestrained capital, human objectification, and ecological destruction. To ensure the sustained and healthy progress of modernization, these issues must be effectively prevented and addressed.

Xi Jinping’s Innovative Contributions to Marxist Cultural Theory

Huang Jianjun

  Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, Xi Jinping has put forward a series of new ideas, viewpoints, and conclusions on cultural development in the New Era, enriching and advancing Marxist cultural theory. These contributions form the cultural chapter of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and constitute Xi Jinping’s thinking on culture. From the perspective of intellectual inheritance and theoretical lineage, Xi Jinping’s thinking on culture creatively proposes original arguments such as “the Party supervises communication, ideology, and media,” “integrating the fundamental tenets of Marxism with the concrete realities of China and with the best elements of its traditional culture,” “strengthening cultural confidence,” “people-centered work orientation,” “building China’s independent knowledge system,” and “the Global Civilization Initiative.” It systematically and comprehensively elucidates the relationships between political parties and culture, economy and culture, material and culture-ethics, ontology and subject, diversity and difference, andChinaand the world. It profoundly addresses major questions in the development of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, such as: Who is the standard bearer and who charts the orientation? What should be discarded and what should be established? What should be believed in and what actions should be taken? Who should be served and who should be relied upon? How shouldChinarespond to challenges and what actions should be taken? How shouldChinaestablish its place in the world and approach global issues? Through the profound practice of contemporary Chinese cultural development, Xi Jinping’s thinking on culture has innovated and advanced Marxist cultural theory. It has written the Chinese chapter of Marxist cultural theory, providing a scientific guide for promoting cultural prosperity, developing a great culture, and shaping the modern civilization of the Chinese nation on a new journey in the New Era.

Prosperity for All: The Necessity of Unifying Production

and Consumption in the Economic Manuscripts of 1857–1858

Gong Jingcai

  Products, commodities, currency, and capital are social manifestations of wealth that inherently encompass the relationship between production and consumption. The organic unity of production and consumption is an objective requirement for wealth creation. Capital, the result of the historical evolution of wealth’s social expression, embodies the most complex relationship between production and consumption. For commodities to become consumer goods, they must undergo three processes: production preparation, actual production, and sales. Each process is a hurdle that capital must overcome, and failure at any stage may halt capital’s movement. The combination of capital’s profit motive and the “immense efficiency” of machine-based production following the Industrial Revolution, along with an unreasonable distribution system, has led to a disconnect between production and consumption, resulting in cyclical overproduction—the “law of capitalist production.” Marx’s answer to overcoming the overproduction dilemma in the Economic Manuscripts of 1857–1858 is “prosperity for all,” another expression of common prosperity. Under socialist economic conditions, consumption capacity must align with production capacity, and the organic unity of production and consumption is an unconditional requirement. Marx’s thought enlightens us that studying common prosperity from the perspective of economic laws holds significant theoretical importance.

Marxist Political Economy:Creative Developments in the New Era

Zhang Yu

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core has put forward a series of new concepts, ideas, and strategies in guidingChina’s economic development in the New Era, forming his economic thinking. This thinking is the economic chapter of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, representing a new achievement in adapting Marxist political economy to the Chinese context and the needs of the times and contributing Chinese wisdom to the innovative development of Marxist political economy. As the latest theory of Marxist political economy in contemporaryChinaand the 21st-century world, Xi Jinping economic thinking not only addresses and strives to answer and solve specific issues related toChina’s own development but also universal issues concerning the future development of human society. Therefore, this thinking possesses both distinct Chinese characteristics and significant global implications, being rooted inChina’s national conditions, guiding practice, and having a global perspective and leading the times.


Institutional Support for the Growth of New Quality Productive Forces 

through Reform and Innovation

Pang Jinju 

  Developing new quality productive forces is an inherent requirement and an important focus for promoting high-quality development and advancing Chinese modernization. Much work needs to be done, including further comprehensively deepening reform, accelerating institutional innovation in multiple fields with the economic system as the focus, and forming a new type of production relations and economic system that adapt to the development requirements of new quality productive forces, which is an important guarantee for developing these productive forces. Comprehensively deepening reform and accelerating institutional innovation are inherent requirements for developing new quality productive forces and promoting high-quality development, which are fundamental Marxist tenets that must be adhered to and are valuable experiences proven by practice. To comprehensively deepen reform and accelerate institutional innovation, it is first necessary to further grasp the core issues of economic reform and handle the relationship between the government and the market, and the key is to continue to the reform to develop the socialist market economy, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, and ensure the government plays a better role. Centering on this core issue, deepening reform and institutional innovation means: first, giving play to the vitality of market entities and their enthusiasm and creativity of production and operation; second, accelerating the improvement of the market economy’s foundation systems such as property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit; third, building a sound modern market system; and fourth, strengthening and improving the leadership of the Party, deepening the reform of Party and state institutions, and accelerating the transformation of government functions. Moreover, it is also necessary to comprehensively deepen reforms in key areas: deepening reforms in the management system of science and technology, education system, and talent system to remove obstacles and bottlenecks that restrict the development of new quality productive forces; deepening reforms to transform research results into productive force, focusing on their application, and improving the modern industrial system; deepening ecological reforms and accelerating the green transformation of development modes; continuously expanding opening up, building a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized, and shaping new advantages of a higher-level open economy.


Ethical Conflicts in American Imperial Hegemonic Politics

Jin Fenglin

  The hegemonic politics of the American empire rests on four interlocking pillars: the philosophy of pragmatism as its value foundation, superb capital operation ability as its material foundation, comprehensive international strategy and tactics as its operating mechanism, and flexible use of military means as its security guarantee. However, each of these four methods contains fundamental ethical conflicts between motive and effect, morality and utilitarianism, selfishness and axiom, and righteousness and evil. As the world today faces profound changes of a kind unseen in a century, these deep ethical conflicts within American imperial hegemonic politics have become increasingly prominent and intensified. This indicates that the value foundation of the American empire’s cultural, economic, political, and military operations is crumbling, and a new model for human progress that challenges, counteracts, and surpasses the global ruling order of the American empire is becoming a historical necessity for the future development of human society.